Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cloud Dough! :)

SO we have been cooped up, right! All this crazy hot then cold weather! I like to try new things with the girls every now and then, and the cloud dough was a MUST on my list! It cost about 5 dollars and you can bag it and re-use it OR make a double batch! We made a single batch to try, it worked awesome and was the perfect amount for our tote! The recipe is SO easy!!!

8 cups of flour
1 cup of baby oil

Mix together, the more you kneed the better it meshes... if thats the word for it! It took 3-5 minutes to get it all mixed but that was half the fun!

Picked both of these up at Dollar General!!!

Breadon has an AWESOME cheese face :) 

Some old beach toys!

The beach toys were a little large so we switched to some smaller stuff... It was a HUGE hit! We did this on a bath nite too btw!
And it was easily bagged up! I have heard you can use other oils and flours, so experiment and try something new!

Super fun, Super easy and its reusable!!! Much cheaper than play doh and it doesn't dry out!

Thanks for tuning in!

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