Monday, November 19, 2012

2nd Week of Thanks!

So I am a day late but I have busy Sundays! :) And I have to make this quick because I am working on 6 Sneak Peeks and finishing some sessions! The time sure does fly on a deadline.

#1 I am thankful for good friends, I know I mentioned friends in last weeks thankful, but things are never easy as you grow up and mature, learn and get married, have kids and move into adulthood. Not everyone stays throughout your whole life, but they do make you realize things about yourself that you never knew before. So thank you to all my friends past and present :)

#2 I am thankful to the elderly gentleman in Fareway the other day. He gave me 2 dollars to buy the girls ice cream because they were being so good. When we were kids people used to give my brother and I money because we were good, reminded me of my dad... makes me think I am doing an okay job because my parents taught us so well. :) So thank you to him for reassuring me that I am doing okay!

#3 I am thankful for words of encouragement. The other day I was having a horrible day and I got some great words of encouragement from a surprise source, made everything change.

#4 I am thankful for jokes... I think that is good enough lol :)

#5 I am thankful for Photoshop! Yes, yes I am! :)

#6 I am thankful for a reliable vehicle...

#7 I am thankful for all of our men and woman out there serving our country, no matter what is going on in the world or what anyone thinks, until you have signed that dotted line and made that commitment to your country and to people you don't even know, make sure you tell them thank you, pay for their meal, shake their hand, and tell them you are thinking of them and their families.

Thanks for tuning in! :)

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